Introducing the WARC Guide to conscious media investment
At The Conscious Advertising Network, we’re constantly working with industry leaders to set precedents and create frameworks to help everyone in the industry be more conscious with their media investment. We’re all about sharing best-practice and providing actionable advice, so that we can all make better media investment choices. That’s why we’re thrilled that our latest project, The WARC Guide to conscious media investment, has been released into the world.
We’ve been working hard guest-editing this guide, which provides a summary of new thinking and best practice on conscious media investment. It explains what conscious media investment means for advertisers, agencies and media owners, and features lessons from brands including Diageo, GSK, HMD, Virgin O2 and Reebok. It also has thought leadership from some of our civil society group members, such as The UN, Stop Funding Hate and The Antisemitism Policy Trust, to give perspective on the impact that conscious media investment could have for society as a whole.
The full guide is available for WARC members, and a selection of the articles are available for free on the WARC website.
WARC will also be hosting a webinar, ‘How conscious media investment supports diversity and inclusion’, on Wednesday 29th September. Speakers include Jerry Daykin, EMEA Senior Media Director at GSK, Isabel Massey, Global Media Director at Diageo and Pia Oberoi, Senior Advisor on Migration and Human Rights for the United Nations, and they’ll be discussing:
- How media investment decisions have real world impact
- How we can defund the bad and fund the good
- How diversity and inclusion initiatives are also about championing diverse media and positive narratives
- The importance of investing in research, to measure D&I ROI
The webinar is free to attend and you can register for it via the WARC website. We hope to see you there.